Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Day 36 - Holy Week - March 18

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight. O, LORD my strength and my redeemer.

Opening Prayer

Father God. I just thank you for being who you are and sending your son. I thank you Lord and I praise you because you are worthy to be praised.

Just Think ...

Who are we to Judge Judas. Judas did what he had to do and what he was supposed to do, That was his purpose. had it now been for Judas would things have been the same? We deny Jesus every day. And for what purpose? We have no purpose for denying him. Our denying Jesus serves no purpose for his gglory.

Today's Scripture
Isaiah 49:1-7; Psalm 71:1- 17; I Corithians 1:18 - 31; John 12:20-36; John 13:21-33, 36-38


Why is it so hard for me to forgive my self when Jesus paid it all. I just keep throwing stuff in the Father's face andhe does not even know what i am taking about.

Today's Daily Reflection

Though I thought I had toiled in vain,and for nothing, uselessly, spent my strength,Yet my reward is with the LORD,my recompense is with my God.

The reflections from Oraying Lent are always sooo deep anda I alway agree with them. I am ready fro Easter. But I am not. I struggled some through this Season. I did not doo all that I was supposed to and I still am not. However, God sees my heart and he know all about my struggles.

"I, too, know what is to come and see the beginnings played out around the table. I feel His sadness at knowing the betrayals of Judas and Peter, yet he is still patient with the apostles, who, at this point always seem to me to be so oblivious to what’s going on. Haven’t they been following this man? Haven’t they been listening? I realize that I, too, am dim. I would like to think that I would get it, that I wouldn’t be Peter. Those same questions can be asked of me: Haven’t I been following this man? Haven’t I been listening?

I know that God won’t abandon me, that I have not toiled in vain. My prayer today is to ask God to open my eyes, my ears and my heart. Help me to be brave, to be strong and to be there for others.

Intercession Lord, Have mercy on me.

Closing Prayer -God of such unwavering love, how do I "celebrate" the passion and death of Jesus? I often want to look the other way and not watch, not stay with Jesus in his suffering. Give me the strength to see his love with honesty and compassion and to feel deeply your own forgiveness and mercy for me. Help me to understand how to "celebrate" this week. I want be able to bring my weaknesses and imperfections with me as I journey with Jesus this week, so aware of his love.

I thank God for another day. I love you Lord

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